The future is bright for two boys in Malawi
TWO boys, brothers, Garfield and Mizeki live in Malawi with their mother, Rebecca and grandfather, Daniel. In this part of the world a single cow can change lives; forever.
And for Garfield and Mizeki, a Bóthar cow is giving them an opportunity that no-one in their family has ever before experienced, the chance to grow up free from poverty.
It all started back in December 2005 when Daniel received a cow from Bóthar. On that day, Daniel knew he held the key to Garfield and Mizeki's future. He always recounts how he will never forget that day for as long as he lives.
Breaking the cycle of poverty is no easy task. But once again, the combination of one family's hard work and equal generosity from Bóthar supporters, like you, are proving that seemingly simple solutions often have the greatest results.
Anyone visiting the village of Msonthi, Malawi, today will see ox carts, bicycles and healthy children going to school because families now have a steady source of income.
But this was not always the case . . .
In fact, from the moment Bóthar arrived in the community, it was apparent that the situation there was desperate. Most families were experiencing chronic malnutrition, malaria and diarrheal disease; three of Africa's leading childhood killers.
Daniel’s, was one of 30 families in this remote village who signed up for a dairy project.
To look at Daniel's family before and after they received their cow is like night and day. Before Bóthar, the family lived in an old, one-room house with a leaky thatched roof and mud walls. After, Daniel was able to build what he describes as "a good house made of bricks with a tin roof."
It is strong, clean and safe.
Daniel knows that his actions today will be felt for generations to come. He felt this most when he became a donor and passed on his first calf to another family.
Daniel's cow has since given birth three more times — growing Daniel's herd, providing more milk to drink and sell, and ensuring very bright and promising futures for Garfield and Mizeki!