Bóthar's Corporate Christmas Cow Appeal
Christmas is a time for giving. It’s the nature of the season. I know it’s customary to give wine at Christmas. It has been done for years and people nearly expect it at this stage but you don’t really stand out from the crowd.
I’m asking you to think differently this Christmas.
Think outside the box - the wine box!
Your customers expect wine. They might not be expecting a COW!
You will stand out this Christmas for all the RIGHT reasons andyou’ll be changing someone’s life as you do it.
Why do it?
It will make you feel good.
If you’re not familiar with Bóthar, we help rural families earn an income by giving them the gift of livestock, take for example an Irish dairy cow. Irish dairy cows produce up to 20 litres of milk per day whereas a local cow will produce about 4 litres. With high milk yields, families can take what they need for their own use and sell the rest. With this income they can buy additional food stuffs, buy medicine when they are sick and send their children to school. Over time, they become self-sufficient and pass-on the first female calf to another family in their community, so the original gift continues to give.
An ordinary gift of a cow has the power to transform the lives of a struggling family and that is EXTRAordinary.
This gesture of Christmas goodwill will resonate with people that giving, on any level, does make a difference.
If you’d like to know the difference your gift will be making, just take a look at our work in action on our website www.bothar.org
It costs €1,800 to send an Irish dairy cow. This includes transportation, the cow itself, the training of the family prior to receiving their animal and veterinary support and back up for three years after.
If you can’t afford to send a full cow, there are plenty of options available below or call me if you think you’d prefer to send one of our other gift options.
It’s really easy to donate:
Phone the office on 1850 82 99 99 where a team member will help you
donate online here securely 24 hours a day.
I hope you can consider making the change.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas,
Barry Moran
Corporate Relations Manager