Bóthar supporting The One Percent Difference campaign
Bóthar is proud to be part of the One Percent Difference campaign. The aim of the campaign is to encourage people in Ireland to give 1% of either their time or money to a charity they want to support. The idea is simple. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, we all give the same – one percent. If everyone gave just 1% either financially or of their time it would more than double current giving levels, meaning organisations like Bóthar will get the help they need.
It is a well-known fact that Ireland is one of the most generous nations in the world. Even with our recent economic woes, Irish people continue to give generously.
you can calculate your own 1% here
For further information on how you can give your 1% difference to Bóthar contact Elaine on 061 41 41 42 or email elainem@bothar.ie